
A Few Things…

“A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.”
-Richard Bach

Yesterday I completed a brand new story entitled Is It Worth Fighting For. I had a time deciding whether I wanted to include a question mark after the title or not. I went from simply Worth Fighting For to Worth Fighting For? but I didn’t like how the latter sounded with the question mark. And I felt the former kind of answered the question and therefore didn’t do any justice for the reader. So I added the two wonderful words “Is It” in the question mark’s stead.

I also spent at least a good hour and a half looking up different markets I can submit the story to. I used Duotrope for my market research — I love that site. I have 24 potential markets. I won’t start submitting until I let the story get critiqued though. Actually, I might submit it to one market only because the submission deadline is today. I haven’t decided yet. I like the story as it is and think it’s good, but critiques always open my eyes to things I’ve never seen. I’m not sure if I want to submit it to a magazine when I know certain aspects of the story will change (going by history, lol).

This morning, I received another rejection on my story Like a Fly on the Wall. I just submitted it again to Asimov’s Magazine. My first time submitting to that market. Let’s hope it finds a home there!

Because I spent most of yesterday being productive in my writing, I skipped all the errands I had to run. So I’ll do all those today. I gotta stop by Wal-Mart, go to the bank, and I need to shop for a pair of black sneakers that can pass as casual footwear (it’s for my job — my current footwear is wearing out). Haha, I said my current footwear is wearing out… Hehehehe… Yeah, let me go, lol.


Publication, Submissions, The Writing Life

I’m Baaaack!

“I’m all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let’s start with typewriters.”
-Frank Lloyd Wright

Oh boy, it’s been a long time since I posted here. There are really no excuses, so I won’t even attempt at saying anything on that. What could really be a good enough excuse anyway?

I received my first acceptance on a story! The story, A Day Like No Other, is a story I’ve been sending to magazines for over a year. I’m glad it finally found a home. For those of you who are interested, the market is Daily Science Fiction. No word yet on when my story will be up, but if you go to their website and sign up for their mailing list, you’ll be among the first to see the new stories before they’re posted on the website.

I’m still writing. Currently I’m nearing another the completion of another draft of a story about a 20-something-year-old guy who is having problems with his girlfriend… Very real. The title is still being worked on, but once I fee this draft is in good condition, I’ll offer it up to be critiqued… And then I’ll have things to change before I feel it’s in better condition, haha. Hopefully I’ll begin submitting it by the end of September.

Well, that was just a quick update. I’ll write more things as they happen and are fresh in my mind. Gotta keep you guys coming back! 😉